
COVID Forcing Employees to Work From Home

COVID Forcing Employees to Work From Home

The coronavirus pandemic may have inadvertently triggered a change in the way Americans work. A record number of people are now working from home.

Before Covid-19 hit America’s shores, only 20% of white-collar employees worked from home. At the end of 2020, 71% were working from home. Of that group, 54% want to continue working from home when the pandemic is over.

There are many unique industries and jobs that are transitioning to remote working. For example, FRCA inspections for home offices are now conducted virtually.

Read on to learn how inspection services for home offices are being conducted in a virtual environment. Explore topics such as inspection for credit report services and more.

What Is Driving the Transition to Virtual Inspection Services?

In spite of an economy that is slowly reopening, there is still great fear and anxiety related to Covid-19. Over 560,000 Americans have died at the hands of the coronavirus. More than 31 million people in the United States tested positive.

These statistics affect how people handle their daily life and interactions. Many people are still worried about Covid-19 exposure and do not feel comfortable with inspectors coming into their homes.

According to recent surveys, 65% of American adults are concerned about Covid-19 exposure. This fear is driving a change to virtual inspection services.

Why Is the Virtual Inspection Necessary?

Due to Covid-19, many businesses are choosing to operate out of their homes instead of traditional office space. These businesses use consumer data reports as a means to verify a person’s application credentials. Regardless if it is a new employee or tenant, decision-makers want to make sure the person is trustworthy and responsible.

The government does not want anyone to have the ability to pull consumer data reports. There are privacy concerns as well as the potential to steal sensitive information. Before pulling consumer data, a business is required to have a government-compliant inspection performed.

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) establishes the rules and regulations for business verification. Prior to Covid-19, an inspector would physically come to verify that the home office met the FCRA’s stringent requirements. Now, due to fears of Covid-19 exposure, inspectors are changing their approach.

A virtual inspection is now an acceptable form of business verification. The key is leveraging modern technology to still perform a quality inspection and meet FCRA requirements.

One of the key objectives for the inspector is to ensure that the home office is not intermingling business and personal use. Today’s technology is sophisticated enough to make that determination without setting foot in the home.

It is important to note that onsite inspections are still available. A virtual inspection is simply an alternative for clients that are still concerned about Covid-19 exposure.

A Virtual Inspection Works for Government and Businesses Alike

Fears of Covid-19 exposure are legit and warrant a viable workaround. A virtual inspection, in lieu of an onsite presence, is one way to make clients feel safe.

Our inspectors are experienced and capable of performing a virtual FCRA-compliant inspection. If you are looking for onsite or virtual inspection services, contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Protect Your Company by Protecting Consumer Information With Virtual & On-Site Inspections

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